
Friday, September 30, 2011

Business Plan

Thinking about starting a new business? Ever consider what it takes to start a business from scratch? It takes a lot of thinking, research and planning. To be specific, it takes a lot of business planning.

In order to get funding for your business, it is required to present a formal business plan to your choice of financer. This business plan give insight in to the specifics of your company, its potential, the risk factors, your competitors and other important information that is necessary to convince a financer to fund your company, and there is a specific way to go about creating this business plan.

Paul Heyworth, helps explain the question most of you entrepreneurs ask yourselves, do I need a business plan? Heyworth is an expert in business mentoring, strategic planning and numerous other aspects of the business world at Orvia in the UK. In an article written by Heyworth, he explains the benefits of creating a business plan. He states that it is wise to write a business plan if for nobody else, for yourself. Doing this will not only bring the business into perspective but it will also set targets and goal to help you measure the success of your business.

Tim Berry, Founder and President of Palo Alto Software, is a renowned planning expert. Berry outlines in detail everything required to complete a proper business plan and a small explanation of the sections in order to clarify the meaning of that section. 

For example the following is an exert from his article, A Standard Business Plan Outline:

Simple business plan outline
1.              Executive Summary: Write this last. It’s just a page or two of highlights.
2.              Company Description: Legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc.
3.              Product or Service: Describe what you’re selling. Focus on customer benefits.
4.              Market Analysis: You need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.
5.              Strategy and Implementation: Be specific. Include management responsibilities with dates and budgets. Make sure you can track results.
6.              Web Plan Summary: For e-commerce, include discussion of website, development costs, operations, sales and marketing strategies.
7.              Management Team: Describe the organization and the key management team members.
Financial Analysis: Make sure to include at the very least your projected Profit and Loss and Cash Flow tables.

He continues in the article but giving examples of possible subsections for each section to make the business plan more detailed. Berry also gives reference to for more information on business plans.

With the resources provided, it should be very easy to come up with a very well planned and researched business plan that will get you noticed by investors and well on your way to business success.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

V Control Pro for iPad

V Control Pro for iPad, is a multi-touch control surface for digital audio workstations. V Control Pro is compatible with Pro tools 7, 8, 9, Logic 9 and Logic Express 9, Cubase and Nuendo.

In more detail, V Control Pro for iPad allows you to do multiple actions for the software that would be otherwise controlled by a mouse or a control surface (interface) such as a 003 for Pro tools.

The down side of the Interface is that it can only be controlled while in front of the device or the actual computer. V Control Pro allows for the user to be portable with the use of the iPad over Wi-Fi capabilities. A free software program that is installed on to the computer allows for the integration of the iPad app with the DAWs.

With the use of V Control Pro the user can actively do the following:

- Adjust volume using large, touch-sensitive faders
- Solo, mute, record tracks
- Pan controls
- Flip mode send editing
- Dual surround pan controllers
- Metering
- Jog / scrub / shuttle control
- Automation mode controls and display
- Automation and group suspend buttons
- Automation and group status display
- Automation write enable controls
- Plug-in editing
- Input monitoring switch
- Big counter display
- Save and Undo buttons
- Pre-roll / Post-roll buttons
- I/O assignment
- Zoom presets
- Window display controls
*Keypad popover provides access to many Pro Tools features

The video above gives a brief overview of the function of V Control Pro. It shows just how easy and efficient the program is and just how much you can do while in another room completely. the reviews for the V Control Pro are all positive and seems like a great buy for any audio engineer on the move. The price for V Control Pro is only $49.99 in the app store and is well worth the money.

External Resources: